Friday, December 3, 2010

Counting Down

Most of you know that Mr. B and I live in separate states right now due to my schooling so we don't get to see each other as often as I would like (which is everyday lol). Mr. B was able to come home over Thanksgiving and that was the first time I was able to see him in real life and not over a computer in 2 and a half months. I know we're very lucky to be able to talk on the phone and Skype most days but I can't help but wish we had a normal life. Mr. B makes fun of me but I have this wonderful app on my phone called Days Until and it keeps me sane. I can put in the date and it will tell me how many days until I will see my hubby again. This little app helps me when I just wanna go crazy. I can stop and take a look at how many days are left, I love seeing it get smaller and smaller. I know that I shouldn't complain because he isn't deployed right now but some days just suck. Sorry yall I'm in one of those moods tonight. Only 15 days....