Thursday, May 19, 2011

Baby Girl

Mr. B and I went for the anatomy scan today. This is the ultrasound that they check to make sure everything is developing properly and where they can also tell if baby is a boy or girl. Well Baby B is a girl!! We're very excited to be expecting the little princess this fall. It was quite a suprise when the tech said it was a girl because everyone thought it was boy, including my Doctor but she wasn't positive. Baby B is healthy and developing properly! She weighs a whole whopping 8oz! This Mommy already thinks her little one is just absolutely perfect! The only thing that has me worried is that she is stubborn already. I might be in trouble if that trait sticks! Hope all is well with you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emotional Day

Today is a very hard day for me, you see today would have been the day that I graduated college. I'm so happy for my friends that are, they all deserve it. It's just hard seeing everyone's post about it and realizing they're moving on to a different phase in their lives. The other night I was having a pity party because it was the pinning ceremony for nursing school, which is the nursing school's graduation ceremony. Jake was on duty so it was just me. Right when I was in the middle of it BB gave me a swift kick/punch as if to remind me of what all I have because I'm not in school right now. Because I'm not in school I'm able to live with my husband finally, we're expecting our first baby and living in another state. I have a lot to be thankful for and BB was there to remind me right when I needed it. I'll get over my emotional day soon. And to top it off it's the munchkins' birthday party and I have to miss it for the first time. I'm so thankful for technology because we're going to Skype during it so I can watch them have their cake and open presents. Sorry for all this! Thanks for letting me get it all out.