Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hormonal Ramblings of a 35wk pregnant woman

Please wear more then a hoodie when your in public, I don't want to see your back end Grandma. Also to the cashier who can tell I'm pregnant and by myself please don't put all of the heavy things in one bag. I get that you were trying to make fewer bags for me to carry but I live on the 3rd floor. And finally can I please have my husband back at a decent hour. I would love to have an actual conversation with him before he falls asleep on the floor because he is so exhausted.

Okay let me give you some background on where this came from: I had to go to Walmart for some essentials by myself tonight. I'm feeling huge, tired, exhausted, and my back and hips hurt so bad there are moments I want to cry. Mr. B has been working crazy hours at work all week. He didn't come home the other night and isn't sure when he'll be home tonight. He's exhausted and worn out. 

Okay I'm going to hush and go eat supper now while I watch Chopped on Food Network. Hope your having a great day/night!