Saturday, July 13, 2013

Food that just taste better with a side of memories.

Is there one food that you could make but is just wouldn't be the same? For my family that's strawberry shortcake. We're all capable of making it but we don't. We have Mom make it. I think part of the reason we all enjoy it so much is because of the love that goes into it. The stories and the history that are shared while mixing the batter. The laughter and memories of whipping cream that just wouldn't set up. Puddin and sauce is another one of those foods for me. I've only had it twice in my life but I still have vivid memories of it. My Grandmother made it for the first time while I was at her house because I was sick. She shared the story of how her Mom used to make it for her but only when they were sick. We laughed over the recipe card that would be incomplete to most. There were very few measurements written down. Phrases like "till it looks right" were a big part of it. The second time I had it was when my Mom made it for me right after I had my daughter and she came to visit. I think puddin and sauce and strawberry shortcake are made that much sweeter by the memories we associate with them. 

What are some of the foods that just aren't the same for you?