Sunday, November 27, 2011

Family Photos

We finally got to do family photos. I'm so totally in love with this photo!! My sweet baby girl and her Daddy. Had to share it with all of y'all!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Big Changes!

Hello everyone! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated, lots has been going on. BB made her grand entrance into this world on October 3rd. She was in quite a hurry to get so she was born at home and her Daddy delivered her. She is perfect healthy and a wonderful baby. I can't believe how much she's changed already in this past month.

There are also some other big changes in the air for our family. Mr. B was sent to the med board earlier this week. This will determine if he stays in the Marine Corps or if he will be medically discharged. This is such a huge part of our lives. We really hope he will get out because we want to go back home. This process can take anywhere from 3-12 months. We can use lots of prayers during this time. We know it's in God's hands and we just have to turn things over to him and know that whatever happens will be for the best.

Well I have to get of her for now. Hope all is well with you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hormonal Ramblings of a 35wk pregnant woman

Please wear more then a hoodie when your in public, I don't want to see your back end Grandma. Also to the cashier who can tell I'm pregnant and by myself please don't put all of the heavy things in one bag. I get that you were trying to make fewer bags for me to carry but I live on the 3rd floor. And finally can I please have my husband back at a decent hour. I would love to have an actual conversation with him before he falls asleep on the floor because he is so exhausted.

Okay let me give you some background on where this came from: I had to go to Walmart for some essentials by myself tonight. I'm feeling huge, tired, exhausted, and my back and hips hurt so bad there are moments I want to cry. Mr. B has been working crazy hours at work all week. He didn't come home the other night and isn't sure when he'll be home tonight. He's exhausted and worn out. 

Okay I'm going to hush and go eat supper now while I watch Chopped on Food Network. Hope your having a great day/night!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Yesterday I read a couple of older articles about gestational surrogacy and the writers' efforts to conceive and it really sank in how blessed Mr. B and I are. We got pregnant without trying and I've had a very easy pregnancy so far. Sometimes it's easy to forget how blessed we really are. When I take a step back and look at our friends who weren't sure they were ever going to be able to have a baby to some who waited years and years and suffered through many miscarriages and other tragedies it really puts things in perspective.

 Another thing I discovered yesterday is . This organization is so amazing! They connect professional photographers with couples who's little ones we're born but did not make it, the photographers then do a photo shoot for the families with their precious angel baby for free. On their website is a link to a Today show about them and by the end of it I was bawling my eyes out. When I was in nursing school taking the L&D course we actually talked about how powerful and how grateful the families are when a nurse took photos of them and their precious babies and gave the pictures to them so they could have a physical reminder of their angels. Another thing our instructor told us is to make sure to give the family everything that touched the baby. These things may seem silly or not important to us but when your in that situation having everything that touched your angel is so so precious because it is a physical reminder that they were HERE on this earth and that did exist. If you have the time I highly suggest checking out Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep and watching the Today show segment about them, you just might want to have a box of Kleenex handy.

In closing just remember how blesses you are. Take a look at your precious kiddos and thank the good Lord for bringing them to you and watching over them.

Hope all is well with you!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Livin' Life

Hello everyone! It's been a while since I last updated. Not too much going on in our lives right now. We were able to go back home for a visit and blessed to have two baby showers while we were there. BB is very spoiled and she isn't due for another 3 months! Since we've been back I've just been working on her room and getting things ready for her to make her arrival since we're on the down hill side now. It's crazy how fast things are going now. It seems like just the other day we found out we're expecting. It's getting to be crunch time, we have to start taking all our classes soon just in case BB gets into a hurry. Hopefully she takes her time and keeps baking until closer to her due date. I had a doctor's appointment last week and everything is going well. Mr. B is doing well, just working like usual. Well that's all for now. I'll try and update again sooner then I have been. Hope you have a great day!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Baby Girl

Mr. B and I went for the anatomy scan today. This is the ultrasound that they check to make sure everything is developing properly and where they can also tell if baby is a boy or girl. Well Baby B is a girl!! We're very excited to be expecting the little princess this fall. It was quite a suprise when the tech said it was a girl because everyone thought it was boy, including my Doctor but she wasn't positive. Baby B is healthy and developing properly! She weighs a whole whopping 8oz! This Mommy already thinks her little one is just absolutely perfect! The only thing that has me worried is that she is stubborn already. I might be in trouble if that trait sticks! Hope all is well with you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Emotional Day

Today is a very hard day for me, you see today would have been the day that I graduated college. I'm so happy for my friends that are, they all deserve it. It's just hard seeing everyone's post about it and realizing they're moving on to a different phase in their lives. The other night I was having a pity party because it was the pinning ceremony for nursing school, which is the nursing school's graduation ceremony. Jake was on duty so it was just me. Right when I was in the middle of it BB gave me a swift kick/punch as if to remind me of what all I have because I'm not in school right now. Because I'm not in school I'm able to live with my husband finally, we're expecting our first baby and living in another state. I have a lot to be thankful for and BB was there to remind me right when I needed it. I'll get over my emotional day soon. And to top it off it's the munchkins' birthday party and I have to miss it for the first time. I'm so thankful for technology because we're going to Skype during it so I can watch them have their cake and open presents. Sorry for all this! Thanks for letting me get it all out.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baby B!

I'm so excited that I can finally share the big news! Mr. B and I are expecting Baby B in October! We're so very excited about our little one! Its crazy to think that in a few short months we will be parents to a little one. I'll finally be a Mommy. I've been an aunt for 16 years now and I've borrowed and loved on many kiddos through out the years but its finally my turn to be Mommy. Its very exciting and terrifying at the same time. Well thats all for now! I'll be sure to update soon

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Catch Up

Hello everyone! So sorry its been forever since I updated. I really need to get better at this . I've been living in California for about a month and a half now. It's been really good and I'm so glad that Mr. B and I are blessed enough to have a "normal" life right now. There is a quote that fits military life really well. It says "The Marine Corps is his mistress and that b**** gets all the attention". Its very fitting. They really do get all the attention because they control his life. When they call he must go, there's no arguing with them. Mr. B has to work duty alot but he's not deployed, so I'll deal with the 24 hour absences and the long days. I love our apartment, its really great. There are the usual loud kids every now and then and a really annoying dog that lives across from us. I'm staying at home right now but hoping to find a babysitting job during the day or even a part time job. We're planning a trip back to Texas in June/ July at the latest. We have lots of exciting things coming up in our lives. Friends coming to visit in June and planning our trip. I'll try to update again next week!

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hello everyone! Sorry its been so long since I last posted, I'll try to get better about that. So much has happened since then. I'm taking a semester off school, moving to California, and Mr. B isn't deploying yet. Okay let me start from the top and explain. I'm taking a semester off but will either be transferring to a school out here in California or if that's not possible I will be finishing my degree when we get back to Texas, but I will be finishing my degree. Since Mr. B is not deploying and I won't be in school we made the decision that I will be moving out to California sooner then our original plan, which is a-okay with me! We've found an apartment, and sign the contract on it this week. Mr. B will be moving in to it on Saturday. I'm going home to pack and wait until Mr. B can get leave and come get me and our stuff. Then we head west! Now for the last major change in our lives, Mr.B not deploying. Mr.B has a problem that causes his shoulder to twitch, there is no rhyme or reason to it and he never knows when it will happen or how hard it will be. They're currently trying to find the cause of this and because of that he is non-deployable. We could use lots of prayers please.

My emotions are all over the place with everything that is going on. I'm very excited to be moving to Cali to live with the hubby after a year apart with only a few days together every now and then. I'm also scared, nervous and a little bit sad. I'm scared because I've never lived anywhere but Texas, heck I've lived in the same house my entire life! I'm nervous because this is a cross country move and the drive kind of worries me. Also we will be starting a brand new life. We don't know very many people out here, I have to find a job and its our first time living together. I'm sad because of those I will be leaving behind, I know its not permanent but its still hard. I'm gonna miss "my babies" so much. I haven't gone more then a couple of weeks without seeing them since they were born almost 5 years ago, and I'll be missing their birthday, their first day of school and who knows what else while away. I also won't be seeing my friends that I made while at school, those amazing women who helped me make it through every day and were always there to encourage me when I was feeling down or needed a girl's night out. I love those girls so much! I know we will keep in contact but it just won't be the same, and sadly I don't think I will be there to cheer them on as they walk across the stage. All of these things stink but in the end its worth it, and I would make this decision all over again. You see thats what you do for love. I'm not leaving them forever but just for a little while. The military needs us in California right now but as soon as we're done with it we're headin back to Texas!