Thursday, July 21, 2011


Yesterday I read a couple of older articles about gestational surrogacy and the writers' efforts to conceive and it really sank in how blessed Mr. B and I are. We got pregnant without trying and I've had a very easy pregnancy so far. Sometimes it's easy to forget how blessed we really are. When I take a step back and look at our friends who weren't sure they were ever going to be able to have a baby to some who waited years and years and suffered through many miscarriages and other tragedies it really puts things in perspective.

 Another thing I discovered yesterday is . This organization is so amazing! They connect professional photographers with couples who's little ones we're born but did not make it, the photographers then do a photo shoot for the families with their precious angel baby for free. On their website is a link to a Today show about them and by the end of it I was bawling my eyes out. When I was in nursing school taking the L&D course we actually talked about how powerful and how grateful the families are when a nurse took photos of them and their precious babies and gave the pictures to them so they could have a physical reminder of their angels. Another thing our instructor told us is to make sure to give the family everything that touched the baby. These things may seem silly or not important to us but when your in that situation having everything that touched your angel is so so precious because it is a physical reminder that they were HERE on this earth and that did exist. If you have the time I highly suggest checking out Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep and watching the Today show segment about them, you just might want to have a box of Kleenex handy.

In closing just remember how blesses you are. Take a look at your precious kiddos and thank the good Lord for bringing them to you and watching over them.

Hope all is well with you!

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