Saturday, June 23, 2012

Answered Prayers

   Hey everyone! Lots of things are changing in our house. God answered some big prayers for us the past month. Mr. B will be medically retired from the MC, which is a huge relief. We have a EAS date now. We aren't sharing it just yet because we still have some things to figure out before we tell everyone. It's a huge relief for me because we have a date to countdown to now. It feels more real to me now. I wish is was sooner for Mr. B's sake because the month before it gets here will be really stressful for him. Please continue to pray for us and all of those deployed.

     Mr. B has been promoted! That was a huge answered prayer for me. With his promotion comes new duties though, one of which was attending a funeral. Mr. B really struggles with the fact that he can't be over there serving with his friends and that he feels like he isn't a Marine because of it. I know there is a reason God kept him over here instead and gave him the dystonia. God has a plan and it's just our job to follow along and trust him even when we wonder why He gave us certain challenges.

   BB is doing great! So much personality in such a small person. She's sitting up, crawling, pulling up and cutting teeth like a pro. She constantly amazes me with the new things she learns. Time is flying by way too fast. She's already almost 9 months old. I've already started planning her first birthday party.

   I'm doing okay, just trying to plan things. Lots of changes coming up for us and I'm trying to pray my way through them. I hope we're making the right decisions for our little family. I'm going to miss our church and military "family" we've made out here. I know we'll keep in contact through email and hopefully the occasional trip out here.

  That's all I can think of to say for now. I'll really work on updating more often.

Hope all is well with you and your family!

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